Imaging – CT Scanning
Not only does our CT scanner give us the ability to quickly diagnose and treat patients, it also uses a much lower dose of radiation than traditional CT scanners, making it safer for our patients.
Facial Skin Cancer Diagnosis
There are two main types of skin cancers: melanoma and keratinocyte. If skin cancer is detected, further treatment planning will be put into place and may include excision with immediate closure or Moh’s excision.
Skin Care Products
We carry skin care products from Latisse for eyelash growth, as well as products from the clinically proven skincare brand, iS Clinical.
Allergy & Sinus Care
We provide allergy testing, and allergy shots or sublingual immunotherapy to help our patients find relief for their allergy and sinus condition.
Adult Ears, Nose & Throat
We treat a variety of ear, nasal, and throat disorders and ailments through medical and surgical means.
Pediatric Ear, Nose & Throat
No one likes to see their child suffer. As parents ourselves, we work hard to get your kids feeling better. Learn More about our Pediatric Ear, Nose, and throat treatments.